Thursday, February 28, 2008

Great Advertising for a Good Product

This Baygon ad is what an advertisement should exactly be. It leads you to the product and its usage (and it makes you stand up and applaud the Ad agency that came up with such a brilliant ad, BBDO Kuala Lumpur in this case). By bringing in a well-known fictional character like Spiderman, the product has now been assured of a high brand-recall. The critical factor in a product's life is visibility. If it's not visible enough, it's as good as dead. Hence, the race to be visible at Superbowl where you have a guaranteed and a high number of target audience. Now when you are assured of visibility comes the hard part i.e. living upto people's expectations. More often than not, have products failed miserably because they failed to satisfy the need although they were efficiently advertised. Hence, a good visibily does not always lead to a good brand. Now comes the tricky part- brand recall. Unaided brand recall is what most companies would love to see. "Top of the mind" recollection of a particular brand usually indicates the popularity and usefulness of the brand. And then this varies on an individual basis. A person on being asked about shoes might come up with "Nike" as his first choice while someone else might come up with "Reebok". Now, this is due to a plethora of choices. The shoes niche in the footwear category has many well established and good companies who have been able to serve the needs of the people efficiently. So, in this case its a close call and "Top of the mind" fails to be the correct indicator. Although you need to remember that both Nike and Reebok have some great advertising campaigns behind them helping in a high brand recall rate. So, the essence is that in addition to a great product you should have high visibility to reap dividends else death is yours.

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