Monday, February 25, 2008

Romancing the stars

Google has now become synonymous with search. The roaring success of its search engine has prompted Google to strive even harder and diversify into other online applications, some prime examples being e-mail communications and social networking. Its emphasis on constant innovation and betterment of existing products is the key differentiating factor that separates it from the rest of the Internet-spawned companies. Gmail,Google Earth,Froogle,Google Desktop.....and the list continues. And when you thought that the list has reached its dead end, Google again came up with an offering that we can only wonder at. Google Romance (Beta Version) is one of those cool offerings that, if successful, would revolutionize the conventional methods of romance. Still a doubting Thomas? Try it here


Anurag said...

i hate to use cliches but i cant help it. THis new product from google is like "Old wine in a new bottle". Renaming and repacking a service that is already exists is not what one expects from a market leader and so called "innovator" like google. But tell you what they will get away with it just because there are enough Google "bhakts"(followers).

Unknown said...

My dear friend, if that's your honest opinion or rather "tirade", then I fear that you haven't tried the link. The link is there for a purpose.Try it first.